2016년 4월 7일 목요일

Blog stage Five : students in UT are not carrying the gun to study.

Students or member of staff in UT,  we have probably heard about campus carry and open carry which mean generally only individual 21 or older may be licensed to carry the guns.
However for what? For studying safe and go to school without any problem? The campus would become as hunting or shooting place to shoot someone. This would make police to have less care about their responsibility to keep their area.

Campus carry basically means allow licensed holders to carry concealed handgun on UT campus , even not many holders would openly carry it on campus.
What about the open carry? It is pretty same as campus carry. Firearms holders can be allowed to carry weapons on campus.

I had wondered about if they can carry the guns in classroom.
UT austin had been allowed to carry the guns in classroom due to concerns have gun lockers on campus. If students take the guns in classroom, that's quietly threaten to everyone. Of course , they would not show their guns on purpose.

They didn't give information or certain reason to allow the guns on Campus. In outside of the school, it would be okay whoever is allowed to carry the gun , but it's different that studetns carry the guns in their school for what? This result of law from Texas makes more our state threaten area as a gun place. As more people carry guns with them, many of others would get influence to carry guns, too. Increasing rate would be naturally going high. It's just difficult , because all people are not same and not 100% trust that they would not shoot someone, just carrying in case. Other people from other countries to study in UT wouldn't get this issue and not acceptable to carry gun in studying place.
Although polices or guards aren't enough compare to UT's big magnitude, they are there for doing their jobs. Basically, allowing the hand-gun is the problem. Since it has been allowed to carry before make law about carrying the gun in UT, there are many gun accident in anywhere. We wouldn't want to students do it and don't want to tell people UT is dangerous place to carry guns.

댓글 1개:

  1. When I came across Hansol Muns blog called "students in UT are not carrying the gun to study" I began to wonder whether carrying guns on campus are a good or bad thing. Muns claims that fellow students perhaps may feel “quietly threaten” with the new open carry laws, which I completely agree. How will students feel knowing that someone might be carrying a gun? Like Mun mentioned we don’t really know how mentally stable a person is or if we can fully trust someone with this type of lethal power. The only small note I would make about Muns blog would be to add in reasons why other people think open carry on campuses is a good idea, how they view the idea, and what campus could propose. Perhaps Campuses should have some type of mental evaluation that allows a mentally stable person to carry a weapon on a campus. Overall I definitely agree with Mun and some of the views listed, although I would also love hear the opposing side as well.
