2016년 3월 24일 목요일

Blog stage four

On March 2, the author Matthew Watkins has written article called " A&M President: Student Involved in Racist Incident No Longer On Campus" , has found this poster in Texas Tribune and talks about the racial slur incident. Author(Reporter) tries to say the main causation about the incident when it brought the racial problem between Texas A&M students and Texas at Austin high school students. Point is finding the truth. The beginning was started by Texas high school students who wore and a Texas A&M university of students involved in the harassment of a group of minority of the high school students touring the campus, according to announcement.  There was somthing racial slur that can make misunderstand each other. One of the students in university said to them "go back to where you came from" and "go to bonfire" when they noticed that high school students were wearing Texas at Austin backpack , by police report. Also that's what high school counselor heard when it happened.  Was it really happened on purpose as racism or misunderstanding communication ?

The female student who goes to A&M univerisity students said , it could be a misunderstanding ,because both group were talking and could have been music playing ,too. It was like an unsure answer either avoid the issue or tell truth. Another issue to say from Young, this is not the only one incident . There could be a possibility to be happened on the other campuses. The racial slur is purpose to make feel them embarrased. If that was a misunderstanding or different purpose , It should be resolved well . All people who live in Texas , are being equal to live as well and related about the game like a football , they don't have to be emotional to give racial slur or other ways to be jerk on them.

It is an unacceptable that there are racism to make the problem and hurts someone's feeling, even they don't really face criminal chrages. Although the female student's interview wasn't cleary answered for the incident about racial slur to high school students , it is good to believe that was misunderstanding in the situation. It just can make the college or high school as bad criticism with racial problem, so it doesn't have to be made up with bad news.

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