2016년 4월 20일 수요일

Blog stage Six

I have read through Ms. Anne's post that she wrote about Gun Control: Open Carry. I understand that would rather choose to openly carry or conceal the weapon for our life and lives around us. Owning gun would be right to defend our selves whether it be visible or not as she said. It made me hard time to consider and think about it seriously. I could possibly agree on her argument.

However, I want to be on other side to claim as I brought the article about UT campus open carry. I want to say that we should not carry the gun even other people do, because basically people would get influence to carry the gun if other people do it around us. It becomes more threaten and care each other to defend their lives. I can see the state can be a war area like everyone owns gun. As many people carry the guns , the possibilty shot accident of rate would increase and can make the population decrease. It is unfair and not acceptable that everyone may take the guns to defend themselves. It would be better that block the gun carry to stop making gun accident. It's our choice that openly carry or not. I would like to people have a normal life , not a threaten life with a gun. Some people can strongly agree the open carry but some people don't as I don't. The open carry of rates can be decreased or stayed in small limit if we prefer not to do open carry. But I still respect the individual has the right to posses them. Just feel bad that It's being a threaten and uncomfortable if weapon is visible. The law should be changed to consider people and we better not follow to open carry, so can decrease the shot accident or other issue of innocent death.

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