2016년 2월 23일 화요일

blog stage three

The article is about no place for old man, and author Dick J. Reavis titled "Texas prisons are filling up with the old and the ill — at enormous expense." The author made argument about State of Texas prison about holding old men, because state is operating 109 prisons holding about 148,000 immates and 27000 of them are like old men who are the over age of 50 and cared to protect their health to be safe. Whatever they did in the past, they are medicared for their health to live. One old man had hard time with prostate cancer and he was medicared by imprisonment. If they are in the prison with ill, they are free to get medicared, whatever they want to or not. The reason that they their health and safety were protected was federal courts have ruled that and Texas will have to pay for them. They care about the health for prisoner to be safe. In the law, there was possiblity that to have medical parole for people who are older than 60. It's really hard to think about it and this is big one that which way we should think. Prisoners are there by something wrong or sometimes innocent people are there. Their healths are cared by government pay for it. Author may think they should get medicare in hospital, not in prison. I am not really on his thought, because they are in prison to get judge. However, any person's health for life is important. I agree with that, but what State can do for normal people who have health problem without money. Should they go prison in old age and get medicare?  This is what I want to say in personal opinion.  Many people who are normal citizens lose their life in everyday of life, but how they focus to care prisoners for health more than people who are sick and have no money to care themselves. If Texas pay medicare for immates in prisons, they should make deal with something to them, because they are prisoners, even they have health problem. Also, one more thing to add, should try to pay for people who doesn't have money for healthcare, too. This is my opinion that isn't showed in this article.

2016년 2월 7일 일요일

Blog stage Two

The article After Planned Parenthood Ouster, More Medicaid Births and Less Birth Control was posted by Jen Reel. The Texas women's health program was released after anti-abortion Texas lawmakers blocked plan to parenthood. It tries to increase the people get more medicaid. In Texas more than half of all births are covered by medicaid and those more than half of all births are the reported result of unplanned pregnancy. This can be unsafety births and no plan for family care. State health officials and family planning providers continue working to redesign for state's reproductive safety health. For planned parenthood the health care such as medicaid is pretty important to imply, but the program in state ban planned parenthood from participation. Even they have planned parenthood, the program wouldn't be successful well.
Many women can be confused about the health care program and government should help this to women how the program works and why does it need to them. It will make them more joinable and show the possibility to decrease the abortion. The planned parenthood should be worked without payment for fair, so it should be more focused and all women should be available to find provider to get help. The planned parenhood shouldn't be banned ,because unplanned births and the abortion of rates wouldn't be changed.